HSL Color picker from image
This subpage is dedicated for HSL color extraction from image. You can either upload an image file or provide a link to this color finder tool.
Are you on the lookout for a straightforward and effective solution to grab the exact CMYK color codes from your images?
Once the image is uploaded, the process is rather straight forward – all you need to do is to point your mouse to some area on the uploaded picture and click the mouse button. This action will snap the color underneath the mouse pointer and save it to a list below the image. You can then copy the HSL value and use this color as needed for your projects.
Color Picker (upload image):
• Step 1 - Upload your file.
• Step 2 - Point and click.
New: Just paste a screenshot! Click here
Click here and paste your screenshot (Ctrl+V)
P.S. You can also drag and drop images here!
Hover and click to pick samples. You can also reset image or get a different one.
How extract HSL values from image
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